Life Is A Comedy
Is not Life a tragicomedy? We laugh through the tears, and cry through the laughter and wait for what comes after. This show is your backstage pass to the absurd circus of existence. Join us as we navigate the tightrope between heartbreak and hilarity, where every day is a punchline waiting to happen. Expect the unexpected, because in this show, the only script is the reality. So buckle up for a wild ride through the rollercoaster of the truths of life. Laugh some more at lifeisacomedy.com
Aik Kahani | Ahmed Nay Jub Sochna Seekha.
Welcome to Aik Kahani, here you will find Urdu audio stories developed for all ages but especially for children from ages 7 to 12, one of the most important stages of our lives where what we learn, do, and act upon stays with us until the end, so it's much better to learn the good things earlier. Aik Kahani can help kids differentiate between the useful and the useless which can affect the growth of a child and help them learn values through mental activities that will make them smart, productive, and helpful individuals and adults. "Ahmed Nay Jub Sochna Seekha" is a first step from Aik Kahani.
Garam Chai | American Desis
Garam Chai is about the everyday lives of American Desis. What is an American Desi? Who are they? What do they do? Meet American immigrants and their families who motivate others to lead positive lives. Experience human-interest stories of survivors and witness how they succeed despite the odds against them. A Second Chance Studios ( https://www.youtube.com/@SecondChanceStudios ) production in Washington D.C.
The Inside Out Project
Take a deep dive into the murky world of the U.S. In-Justice System and learn how to survive a prison and a wrongful conviction. Learn the law and bring a change from within the system and implode it. Join Trent Taylor the man behind the win of Taylor V. Riojas Supreme court decision that has Disqualified a lie called Qualified Immunity. The Inside Out Project is Co-Hosted by Justice News managing editor Imran Siddiqui where the 2 hosts work together in bringing you tools and the strategies to beat this unfair Justice system at it's own wicked game.
FairPlay | Challenging Wrongful Convictions in America
FairPlay is an original discussion series on Wrongful Convictions from JustcieNews.Net where a "Fair" dialog takes place from the vantage point of the accused, and brings forward those voices that are mostly ignored by the society. Hosted by Justice News managing editor Imran Siddiqui, FairPlay sheds light on the injustices in the U.S. justice system, based on facts, data, and ground realities, without any fear to speak the truth. FairPlay, Conversations@JusticeNews, uncovers a wide variety of issues ranging from criminal justice reform to racial discrimination, bias, corruption, cruel and unusual punishment, rehabilitation, and seeking justice for the wrongly convicted. FairPlay guests come from all walks of life sharing their perspectives and real-life experiences that are directly impacted by decisions made within the U.S. judicial systems.
Discover the truth and the innocent at JusticeNews.Net
UNSHACKLED | Justice For The Innocent
"UNSHACKLED" is a web show and podcast that addresses issues that are considered taboo or ignored or forgotten by society buried under the dust of the U.S. justice system and digital algorithms. The show Unshackles the guests that are wrongfully imprisoned for alleged crimes that they maintain they did not commit. They share their true experiences, the other side of the story, that is either ignored or not reported at all. UNSHACKLED with Imran airs on LFXTV.com and on J107.net Justice Radio.
Havai News | Urti Urti Khabrain
Havai News is a satirical Urdu/Hindi comedy production on LFXTV. Written by Ali Adeel with host Imran Siddiqui. Discover more on LFXTV.com
When Sound Implodes | Hidden songs and artists of the world are now on Soundplosive at J107.net
Washington Live
*WASHINGTON LIVE ON JUSTICE NEWS URDU | WITH IMRAN SIDDIQUI OF JUSTICE NEWS USA.* D.C. LIVE is a social initiative for the people of Pakistan by Justice News USA where those cases of injustices are investigated, highlighted, and uncovered, that are still waiting to receive Justice. *JusticeNewsUrdu.com* ( http://justicenewsurdu.com/ ) | *JusticeNewsUSA.com* ( http://justicenewsusa.com/ )
Global Crossover | Intersections
Original Reporting on People | Energy | Geopolitics. Global Crossover | The Interchange of Peace.
The Light and The Lamp
The Light and The Lamp. Follow Them Both. TheLightandTheLamp.com ( http://www.TheLightandTheLamp.com )
The Majestic Reading - Arabic
The Quran, “The Reading”, is a confirmation of the Torah and the Bible, and it affirms, confirms and repeats the Faith and the Law that was sent in them both. The Faith and the Law that were sent in them have been corrupted. The Arabic Quran, which cannot be adulterated, has today been surrounded by absolute lies attributed to Mohammad outside the Quran and usually referred to as “Ahadith” or “Stories”, and “Sunnah” or “Method”. The Quran, which is The Story or “The Hadith”, is absolutely self sufficient in explaining itself, otherwise it would be from other than the God. The Quran confirms what has passed before and points to what is to come. Two major events, first a Punishment will come, then the Hour when the Earth, Sun, and Moon as we know it will cease to exist. Read more at themajesticreading.com
The Majestic Reading - English
What is the Quran? The Quran, “The Reading”, is a confirmation of the Torah and the Bible, and it affirms, confirms and repeats the Faith and the Law that was sent in them both. The Faith and the Law that were sent in them have been corrupted. The Arabic Quran, which cannot be adulterated, has today been surrounded by absolute lies attributed to Mohammad outside the Quran and usually referred to as “Ahadith” or “Stories”, and “Sunnah” or “Method”. The Quran, which is The Story or “The Hadith”, is absolutely self sufficient in explaining itself, otherwise it would be from other than the God.
J107 Rockathon
*nonstop rockathon | from* *imransid* ( http://imransid.com/ ) *on* *j107fm* ( http://j107.net/ ) *| playlists for stimulus*
home of new rock j107fm
Dil Ki Awaz | LFX Radio on LFXTV
Dil Ki Awaz. New music from Pakistan with host Ali Adeel. Suno Apnay Dil Ki | LFX Radio Par
The Rest of America
The Rest of America is a documentary series rediscovering the lives of over 100 million Americans who are underreported by state and corporate media. Walk across the continent with fellow Americans who actually run America.
A Global Crossover Presentation.
Kaisay Ho Pakistani
Kaisay Ho Pakistani is a global digital bridge connecting the Pakistani diaspora worldwide. KOP, Kaisay Ho Pakistani, the radio web show is presented by Arshad Hussain of LFX Films UK and Imran Siddiqui of Justice News Washington D.C. https://www.kaisayhopakistani.com
Inner Peace
Thera Radio | Therapeute 100
The Door
The Door To The Garden
Introspection in Retrospect
Therapeutically Serenade
Peaceful American
Talking About Stuff The Way It Is.
Welcome to Sunlight, the podcast brought to you by the Peaceful American on OfThera. Join your host, Jena Jane, as she takes you on a journey across Virginia, and America, exploring the things that matter most—wellness, good health, and the opportunities that shape our lives. Whether it's finding balance in nature, discovering new ways to stay healthy, or connecting you with the resources that build stronger communities, Sunlight is here to shine a light on it and point you toward a brighter, healthier future. Discover more at https://www.ofthera.com
OpenFlow Tracks | Sonic
OPenFlow Tracks from OfThera. Tracks free from any constraints. Free to download and use for personal work. More at https://www.ofthera.com/open-flow
D.C. Live
Everything Washington, plus The Politics